What Are Dermal Fillers and Injectables?

Beautiful Lady with great skin.

Wrinkles, fine lines, and sagging skin can be embarrassing and challenging to look at and deal with. The good news is that there are cosmetic procedures that can help. If you’re looking for younger and better-looking skin, you may be considering various services for yourself.

Some that are the most popular but you might only know a little about are called dermal fillers and injectables. These are common cosmetic procedures with long-lasting outcomes. Many benefits of each are worth exploring. Learn about dermal fillers and injectables, what they are, and what types of results you can expect.

What are Dermal Fillers?

Dermal fillers are a type of injection that plump up wrinkles and smooths out any lines on your face. It is a non-surgical procedure that can quickly restore volume in your face. The fillers or substances are injected just beneath your skin. It’s an elective treatment that usually takes less than 30 minutes. Patients like it because there’s hardly any recovery time, and you’re expected to see results immediately. There are a variety of different types of dermal fillers to choose from. Generally speaking, dermal fillers are resoundingly safe.

What are Injectables?

You can also get injectables to help with aging or sagging skin. The two primary types of injectables are neurotoxins and fillers. Neurotoxins are proteins that are injected to smooth and combat wrinkles. Some common neurotoxins you may have heard of are Botox and Jeuveau, to name a few. These injections are considered safe overall. Facial fillers are another type of injectable you may consider, a gel-like substance such as dermal fillers.

How Dermal Fillers are Used

Derma fillers are common these days. Usually, you’ll see healthcare providers and trained estheticians injecting dermal fillers in the areas such as around your eyes, mouth, and nose. They add volume to sagging skin and plump up your lips and cheeks. You’ll achieve more symmetrical facial features and can effectively smooth wrinkles and creases in your face with them.

How Injectables are Used

How injectables work is that they relax the facial muscles to make the skin appear smoother and less wrinkled. Neurotoxin injectables are not intended to be used all over the face. Instead, injectables should be used only in specific locations. Injectables relax facial wrinkles and folds and can help create more structure and volume in the lips and face.

Desired End Results

What you’ll get with dermal fillers is that your facial features will be enhanced, and you’re likely to gain a more youthful appearance. Not only are the results immediate, but they should last months or years, depending on the type of filler you get and its location. Many people get dermal fillers since you see the results immediately, and there’s minimal recovery time.

You’ll soon have smoother skin and fewer wrinkles due to the ability to target the facial muscles directly. As for neurotoxins, you’re also likely to see noticeable results right away and even within 48 hours. The results will usually last up to six months, typically four months on average.

How We Can Help

At Capital Aesthetics, you may be interested in various services and treatments, such as dermal fillers, injectables, and other options. These include but aren’t limited to laser hair removal, skin tightening, and microneedling. We are a dynamic team of professionals who are all trained medical estheticians and injectors ready to assist you.

Our patients are the center of all we do, and we are here to help you look and feel your best! Get in touch today for more information and to have all your questions answered.


It can be tough to know what way to turn or what to do next when skin creams and lotions aren’t doing the trick any longer. In this case, you may consider getting dermal fillers or injectables. You now know what they are in greater detail, how they’re used, and their benefits. The results will be apparent and will last plenty of time so that you can show off and enjoy the new skin you’re in. Let today be the day you stop wishing and hoping for smoother and better-looking skin, and take action to make this dream a reality. 

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